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Architectural concrete with NOEplast textured formliners

Fair-faced concrete has been experiencing a renaissance for some years now. An important reason for fair-faced concrete's growing popularity is that today's architects and engineers do not look at its economic aspects alone; they see concrete as a special construction material that is outstanding in fulfilling their design wishes. Hardly any other material can be adapted in so many ways to suit the designer's specific requirements. Concrete can be coloured and given virtually any shape. In addition, it provides a good basis for various surface treatment processes, of which textured formliners are one of the easiest and most effective to use. 

Clients, architects and engineers often use textured formliners to make a company's corporate philosophy readable from the concrete surface. It may be done by the three-dimensional realisation of the company's logo in concrete, the visualisation of photographs in concrete or the integration of a corporate design as “corporate architecture” into the building's architecture.

Browse through our examples for inspiration!