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Draughtsperson (m/f/o)

NOE-Azubi als Bauzeichnerin beim Bearbeiten von Bauplänen

Your strengths

  • You are outgoing and sociable
  • Your work is reliable and accurate
  • You enjoy drawing and designing
  • You have technical knowledge and find it easy to visualise objects in 3D
  • You obtained good marks in mathematics examinations
  • You are highly motivated for your chosen career
  • In addition to the above, you are a proactive, reliable team player with a conscientious and committed approach to your work

Your duties

During the three-year training period, you learn the principles of technical drawing in theory and in practice.

Working with our engineers and technicians, you are responsible for preparing construction drawings for complex building projects using up-to-date CAD software on state-of-the-art computer systems.

As a draughtsperson, you express the architectural, structural and constructional requirements on drawings and assist in the preparation of interesting construction projects.

Training begins on

01.09 annually

Training period

3 years
Can be shortened to 2.5 years


Intermediate, upper secondary or vocational school leaving certificate


Apply today!

NOE-Schaltechnik Georg Meyer-Keller GmbH + Co. KG
Mrs Lisa Wiedenmann
Kuntzestraße 72
73079 Süssen

T + 49 7162 13-258